Custom Hearthstone


I’ve always admired the creative team behind the digital cardgame Hearthstone – it takes a lot ingenuity design a card that is fun and balanced to play, while also using game mechanics to capture the flavor of who or what the card represents. When I discovered Hearthstone’s thriving custom card community, I had a lot of fun entering design competitions and making my own cards.

I ended up creating my own custom cardset – Enter the Maelstrom – themed around the ocean and World of Warcraft’s Cataclysm expansion. This represented a whole new challenge, with each of the 144 cards needing to be considered in terms of its interaction with the others, and fit within the design space of the class it belonged to (Mage, Warrior, Priest, etc). You can check out some of the cards below, or see the whole thing here.

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